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Selectmen's Minutes September 4, 2001
September 4, 2001

Present:  Cathy Kuchinski, Judy Murdoch, Daniel Webster, Stephanie McSweeney and Peter Jones.  Also present, Executive Secretary E. Winn Davis and Management Assistant, Meredith Scozzari.

7:35 p.m.  Chairman Webster called the meeting to order and read the announcements.  Main Street Railroad Closing scheduled for Friday and Saturday, September 7 & 8.  October Special Town Meeting Warrant closed.  Bus trip to Clinton scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 8th.

I.      Executive Session with Assessor’s – Chairman Webster announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session briefly with the Assessors regarding litigation at the Appellate Tax Board.  

MOTION by Murdoch, second by McSweeney to go into Executive Session under Item #3, litigation.  Roll Call Murdoch aye; Kuchinski aye; Webster aye, McSweeney aye; Jones aye.  Voted 5 – 0.

7:50 p.m. Return to Open Session.

II.     Introduction of Superintendent – School Committee members, Peter Muise, Jim Armstrong and Jim Haggerty were present to introduce the new superintendent, John McEwan.    Mr. McEwan comes to Whitman-Hanson from his last position in Dover and previously had been an administrator at Silver Lake.  He is a resident of Whitman and a former resident of Hanson.

III.    Classification Hearing with Assessors -  The Assessors were present to conduct the annual classification hearings.

MOTION by Murdoch, second by McSweeney to open the Classification Hearing.  Voted 5 – 0.

The Assessors recommended to the Board that they adopt the uniform tax rate.  The Assessors presented a chart indicating the percentages of commercial, industrial and residential property in town.  All the paperwork has been forwarded to Boston and the Assessors are waiting approval from the State.  The Assessors also recommended to the Board that it not adopt the Small Business Exemption as very few businesses in Town would qualify

MOTION by Kuchinski, second by Murdoch to keep the uniform tax rate as recommended by the Assessors.  Voted 5 – 0.

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Kuchinski not to adopt the Small Business Exemption.  Voted 5 – 0.

MOTION by Kuchinski, second by McSweeney to recess the Classification Hearing until we hear from the Assessors.  Voted 5 – 0.

IV.     Review of the Warrant – The Board review the draft articles presented in the green warrant.  

Page 13 – Transfer of trip tickets to the Selectmen’s jurisdiction – leave in for now.

Page 16 – Pooper Scooper – Board discussed enforcement of such an article and determined it would be too difficult to enforce.  

MOTION by Jones, second by McSweeney to delete Pooper Scooper By-Law article on Page 16.  Voted 4 – 1 (Kuchinski)

Page 17 – Stillman land swap article – The Board received a letter from the Conservation Agent not recommending the land swap.  

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Murdoch not to include the Stillman Land Swap article on page 17.  Voted 5 – 0.

Page 20 – Wage & Personnel contract employee by-law change.   Chairman Webster recommended pulling the article as the matter was not fully discussed at the Wage & Personnel hearing.  The Board determined such matters should be taken up in the Spring.

MOTION by Murdoch, second by McSweeney to postpone the Contract Employee article on Page 20 until the Spring.  Voted 5 – 0.

Page 22 – Wide Area Network request from the Police, Fire and Selectmen.  After lengthy discussion the Board agreed to revise the article to include only the GIS portion and propose the WAN in the Spring.   

MOTION by Kuchinski, second by McSweeney to delete the WAN article and replace it with the GIS portion.  Voted 5 – 0.

Page 23 – Finance Committee analysis for the Town.  

MOTION by Murdoch, second by Jones to delete financial analysis article on Page 23.  
Voted 5 – 0.

Page 59 – Board of Health request for additional man at the disposal area.  Matter tabled until Tuesday, Sept. 11th.

V.      Baran Partners – Rich Hayden of Baran Partners was present to discuss the Plymouth County Hospital redevelopment.  Also present were Town Counsel Ilana Quirk and Al Hanscom from VHB.

9:10 p.m.  Citing a potential conflict of interest, Mrs. McSweeney left the Selectmen’s table and sat in the audience.

Mr. Hayden proposed to the Town a $225,000 up front payment for the property and $270,000 over time as the project progresses.  There would be 75 assisted living units and 45 independent units.  The assisted living units would consist of 28 below market units.  Seventy percent of the units would be preference units for Hanson residents.  The Board discussed amenities and felt

that a community pool would be for all Hanson residents not just the resident of the development.  An olympic sized indoor pool was requested.  Mr. Hayden indicated that Baran envisioned an outdoor community pool for the residents of the facility.  Discussed six tennis courts.  Mr. Hayden to check on the cost for  macadam and clay courts.  Mr. Hayden explained the breakdown of the affordability aspect of the project.  Fifteen units or 20% would be low income; 38 units or 50% would be below market and 22 units or 30% would be market rate.  

The TIF agreement was discussed.  Both Mr. Hayden and the Board are comfortable with a 20 year TIF.  Town Counsel pointed out that a TIF zone must be designated by the State.  

9:50 p.m. – Executive Session – Chairman Webster announced that the Board would go into Executive Session under Item #6 Sale of Real Estate.

MOTION by Murdoch, second by Jones to enter into Executive Session under Item #6.  Roll call Murdoch aye, Kuchinski aye, Webster aye and Jones aye.  Voted 4 – 0 (Mrs. McSweeney did not participate in the vote)

10:40 p.m. Return to open session

Mr. Hayden returned to the room.  The Board discussed reasonable costs associated with Bonding.  Mr. Hayden informed the Board that they have never been required to obtain a bond for previous developments.  The Town could secure the project with covenants which would trigger conversion of the property back to the Town.  Mr. Hayden pointed out that a community pool for all the residents of the Town may be a draw back for the residents of the facility.  Mr. Hayden to get the figures for the cost of construction and maintenance of an indoor pool.  Further discussion of the walking paths and the width from three to five feet wide.

Executive Session – Board of re-enter Executive Session unit item #6.  

MOTION by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski to enter into Executive Session until Item #6 sale of real estate.  Roll call Murdoch aye, Kuchinski aye, Webster aye and Jones aye.  
Voted 4 – 0.

Prior to adjourning to Executive Session, Ms. Kuchinski announced Cabinet Day on the Road at Massasoit on Thursday, September 13th.  

11:25 p.m. Returned to open session.

MOTION by Jones, second by Kuchinski to adjourn.  Voted 4 – 0.

11:25 p.m.  Meeting Adjourned